Be A Better You At Midlife: Keeping Your Emotions In Check

Several women told me they keep bursting into tears this week. And a recent poll in my Facebook group revealed, not too surprisingly, that Covid-19 is making the challenge of going through menopause worse. Then we add into the mix Christmas preparations, and it’s easy to understand how tricky this time can be emotionally. If you find yourself feeling more emotional than usual, feeling low, or lacking motivation and finding it difficult to concentrate, you are certainly not alone. It can feel frightening but don’t despair, with a little knowledge and application it is reversible…

What Is Happening In Your Body?

Declining oestrogen levels associated with menopause can cause more than those pesky hot flushes. The lack of oestrogen can also make women feel like they are in a constant state of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Unfortunately, these emotional changes are a normal part of menopause but what is not widely understood is that they can be overcome naturally.

Some of the emotional changes experienced by women undergoing perimenopause or menopause can include:

  • Irritability

  • Feelings of sadness

  • Lack of motivation

  • Anxiety

  • Aggressiveness

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Fatigue

  • Mood changes

  • Tension

If you are feeling irritable and sad, there is a good chance it is related to menopause, but the above-listed symptoms are not linked only to menopause. Several conditions can cause you to feel downright irritable. If you are worried, please consult with your doctor on how you are feeling, so they can rule out other medical conditions.

Coping With The Emotional Changes Of Menopause?

Irritability and feelings of sadness are the most common emotional symptoms of menopause. Often, they can be managed through lifestyle changes, such as learning ways to relax and reduce stress.

Research shows that billions of women have nutritional deficiencies, and this gets worse as we age unless we know how to redress the balance. When we have nutritional deficiencies, it can literally change the colour of the lenses through which we see the world, making us feel depressed and unable to experience joy.

Here are some tips that may make it easier for you to handle your fluctuating emotions:

  • Eat healthily and get your body back into good nutritional order. Our studies show that between fifty to eighty per cent of women have low levels of essential nutrients needed to keep their brain chemistry and hormones functioning normally. Magnesium, iron, essential fatty acids and vitamin D are some of the most common deficiencies. Knowing how to get your nutrients back into an optimum range is crucial for a smooth passage through menopause as optimum levels of these nutrients are vital for normal hormone function.

The problem is that most of us are never taught to recognise a nutritional deficiency. Mother Nature, in her wisdom, provides us with signs and symptoms. Still, without education, we can’t interpret these. Using my Nutritional Assessment Tool, you will be able to assess for deficiencies of all the essential nutrients.

  • Exercise - Start slowing but build up to five times per week. Exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel good about yourself. So not only is working out good for your health, but it’s excellent for mental health as well. Put some music on and dance, stretch when you wake up, do any kind of movement that energises you.

  • Find a self-calming skill to practice, such as yoga, meditation, or rhythmic breathing. We recommend the Pzizz App – quote BESTPZIZZ for a 50% discount

  • Make yourself a gratitude list - a place to note everything you are grateful for in your life. When you’re feeling down, take a look at that list to give yourself a confidence and morale boost.

  • Stay connected with your family and community – especially in these difficult times during COVID-19

  • Nurture your friendships and together relive the joyous times you have shared. Laughing out loud is good for you!

  • And finally, try to do a random act of kindness every day as research shows that it releases our feel good hormones helping to restore emotional balance.

Case Study – Amy

Amy came to me suffering from mood swings, depression and exhaustion. The symptoms suggested low levels of essential nutrients. She worked as a nurse so inevitably, over the years, many meals were replaced with something sweet or stodgy grabbed on the run and not eating enough of the right nutritious foods.

Amy hit menopause with a body so nutritionally deprived that it started to crumble.

When Amy contacted me a year ago, her husband was struggling to cope with her mood swings, and she was the first to admit that living with her was hell. Her depression, irritability and exhaustion suggested low levels of essential fatty acids and B vitamins.

She needed to change her diet to boost the amounts of isoflavone-rich foods, which contain naturally occurring oestrogen. These foods support and regulate her hormone levels, which were fluctuating due to menopause.

In the short-term, as is the case for most people, dietary improvements alone aren’t enough, and I recommended that Amy take a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement.

Amy said ‘Six weeks into the programme, I felt human again. I began to look and feel better; it was incredible to feel myself coming back to life. After continuing to follow Maryon’s instructions, three months later, my brain feels sharp and focused again. Best of all, I’ve got my energy and enthusiasm for life back — I no longer feel anxious and depressed, and my relationship with my husband is back on track.’

If like Amy you need help, join our FREE Midlife Refuel Club where you can find lots of information, tips and advice about how to cope during this time plus regular live Q&A sessions with Maryon Stewart.

Maryon Stewart BEM

Maryon is often referred to as the pioneer of the Natural Menopause Movement. Author of “Manage Your Menopause Naturally” and 27 other books, she has helped tens of thousands of women around the world overcome PMS and menopause symptoms without using drugs or hormones. In 2018 she was awarded the British Empire Medal and was recognized as one of the 50 most inspirational women by the Daily Mail.


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