What Is Menopause? What Men Need To Know

In this blog, I’m focusing on information for men - explaining what the menopause is and what is going on in a woman’s body.


The symptoms that occur at the time of the menopause can be confusing and often have women think they are going crazy. Women sometimes get hot flushes, night sweats as well as panic attacks and palpitations. Many begin to question themselves and find themselves with low self-esteem, gain weight, feel achy, have trouble sleeping, suffer from headaches and terrible mood swings.

What Is Happening At Menopause?

During the menopause, a woman’s nutrient levels become low, which stops the brain functioning normally. If the brain isn’t well nourished it will not work properly, cannot send the right messages and therefore hormones do not function as well as they should.

Additionally, Oestrogen levels in the body start to fall at the time of menopause. When a woman is younger Oestrogen circulates around her body but as she gets older her ovaries stop making this hormone. Its this lack of Oestrogen which causes many of the symptoms at menopause.

Overcoming The Symptoms

To overcome the symptoms, she needs to get herself back into good nutritional shape and boost her levels of oestrogen naturally, through eating the right food and supplements.

As you can see there is lots of going on during menopause and you need to understand two main things:

  1. Menopause is a transitional period of a woman's like and not a permanent situation

  2. A woman can address it and get herself back into good shape if she has the right information. If you’re a woman reading this post, make sure you share it with your boyfriend, husband, partner so they can understand what you are going through and help support you, and also encourage the men in your life to join my Facebook group, just for them Men-O-Pause.

You might also be interested in reading my previous blog post: 5 Ways To Support Your Woman During Menopause

Maryon Stewart BEM

Maryon is often referred to as the pioneer of the Natural Menopause Movement. Author of “Manage Your Menopause Naturally” and 27 other books, she has helped tens of thousands of women around the world overcome PMS and menopause symptoms without using drugs or hormones. In 2018 she was awarded the British Empire Medal and was recognized as one of the 50 most inspirational women by the Daily Mail.


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